Tips for laying and treatment Terracotta Brown Sienna
Important : never use acid or any scouring agent on this type of tile
Laying the tiles (using adhesive)
• Only lay the tiles when the floor surface is completely dry.
• Mix tiles from the different pallets you have received taking care to associate similar tones.
• Lay the tiles with a maximum 5mm gap.
• We recommend you use FLEX BLANCHE adhesive made by « P.R.B. » or equivalent and follow strictly the maker’s instructions. Never soak the tiles in water.
• It is vital to protect the tiles before grouting.
• Using a wide brush paint on a 50/50 mixture of linseed oil/turpentine.
Grounting (minimum 6 hours after preparation)
• Cover small areas at a time
NB : it is very important to clean the tiles as you progress using clean water and a damp sponge.
• After laying with adhesive the drying time is: 3 or 4 days
• Do not start cleaning before the tiles are completely dry.
For cleaning use only clean water. NB never use acid
• Clean using a long-handled scrubbing brush or a monobrush 150 revs/min (disk ref: 3M black) and a water sucker. Proceed by small areas (10 sq m) at a time.
Sealing (8 days after cleaning)
• Using a wide brush paint on a 50/50 mixture of linseed oil/turpentine. Give it 2 coats.
Finishing (1 or 2 days after the sealing)
• Use CTC transparent wax.Put a little wax directly on a dry mop and spread on the floor.
• Continue to cover the whole surface. Wait for 1 or 2 hours then polish.
Do not protect terracotta with plastic.
This advice is given merely as an indication and does not engage our responsibility in any way.